Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Continued Group Fellowship in Belize….

Apologies for the late blog posts but our internet service was extremely slow yesterday and today.  The signal seems fine right now so I will catch everyone up to speed.

Day 4 (Tuesday) found our group a little tired but ready to begin a brand new day of work together here in Belize.  The vans arrived around 9:30a.m. delivering men, women and children from the various villages we minister to/with. 

The women began their day with devotionals and prayer and then started a very special project.   Each woman received a piece of canvas and some acrylic paint.  The canvas was pre-marked with abstract lines and shapes that did not reveal any specific imagery and the women simply had to paint colors in certain places. (i.e. paint by numbers)

We were pleased to have Verna and Austin's wife Deli with our ladies.

 Julie Gray spends time with several woman from Maya Mopan village.

 Our men's group was inspired to make some furniture for Pedro and his family.  Many of you may remember that his home was vandalized and burned to the ground last year.  Quest assisted with raising the funds for new materials and EQC rebuilt a new house.

We had a lot of scrap wood left over from the bed building and by the end of the day we had made a dining table, two benches and two adirondack style chairs.  The outpouring of work toward this family's needs is simply amazing - as they have dirt floor and absolutely no furniture in the house whatsoever.

James Thomas and Pedro show off their stool leg.
Adolfo smooths the rough edges.
Ron and Oscar cut lumber to length.

Young men of EQC make the table for Pedro's family.
As our men and women worked together, members of both teams took turns helping to care for the Belizean children.

At times this room seemed like "Daddy Daycare".  Angel, James and Ron pull their shift.

Curt MacDonald said his knowledge as a grandparent helped him take a foam noodle beating with grace. :)

As evening rolled around, EQC and Quest joined together in worship.  Debbie Banks preached a powerful message and we were so very proud of her.  Pastor German gave an altar call and many people came forward to receive prayer.

The two Amys smile for a picture after service.

After the buses had left to take everyone home, Travis, Michael and Joey went out back of the chapel and began taking night, long exposure photos - so I leave you with this image of the Camalote night sky and a grove of banana trees.  By the way, the light in the background is the lights from Westar truck stop (2 miles away) and the trees are illuminated by just a few light bulbs nearly thirty yards away.

In Christ, Joey


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